Ascension 1.0 - Template Documentation

What is a landing page?

Let's begin by having a look at what exactly a landing page is and when you should use one.

The definition

In the world of marketing and advertising, a landing page is a standalone web page which is designed for a single, specific marketing campaign. It also has a very specific purpose: to convert visitors into paying customers.

A landing page should not be mistaken for a website. The latter has the purpose of presenting the product in full, while the landing page is much simpler and better focused on the task of converting the visitor into a paying customer.

The types

There are 2 main types of landing pages: click-through and lead generation.

1. Click-through landing pages

Click through landing pages serve as a middle platform between an ad and a page where a visitor can take action. These pages will describe the product or service just enough to raise the interest to the point where the visitor is ready to move on.

2. Lead-generation landing pages

Lead generation landing pages are used for capturing visitor information. Most often, a name and email address will be asked for, but that depends from page to page.

The information that was gathered can be used later on for the purpose of marketing to that user or simply connecting with him.


Here are a few example of landing pages that will hopefuly serve as inspiration for your next project.