Ascension 1.0 - Template Documentation


Ascension uses a modified version of the Slick.js carousel. This will allow you to create sliders with any kind of content.

Basic usage

To create a slider, start by creating a div with the class of .slider-container.

						                    <div class="slider-container" id="test">
						                            Slide 1 content
						                            Slide 2 content
						                            Slide 3 content
						                    </div> <!-- end .slider-container -->

Then, optionally, give it an ID and call the slick() method for that element in JavaScript.

						                        dots: true,
						                        arrows: false

You can pass in various options. In the example above we're telling the script to include navigation dots and hide the navigation arrows. For a full option list, please see the official documentation for Slick.js.