Ascension 1.0 - Template Documentation


Wells are simple containers that by default have center aligned text, all around padding and rounded corners. They're best used to bring attention to a specific area or divide content.

Working with wells

Declare a well by using the class of .well.

Code Preview
						                                <div class="well light-bg" data-internal-nav>
						                                    <h3>Get a free 14-days trial. No credit card required.</h3>
						                                    <a href="#" class="button pill external">Start now</a>
						                                </div> <!-- end .well -->

Get a free 14-days trial. No credit card required.

Start now

For clarity, the additional class of .light-bg was added.

There are further customizations that can be applied to a well by using helper classes, but since those classes can be applied to a lot of elements, they will be presented in their own dedicated page. So check out the helper classes page for more information.